Recent Publications in Music

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Kinder KWilliam.  2022.  And harmony abound : the musical life of Morley Calvert /. :x,331pages:.
Ellis S, Vo N.  2022.  As Glenn as can be. :pagescm.
Pemberton R.  2022.  Bedroom rapper : a memoir /. :pagescm.
Pemberton R.  2022.  Bedroom rapper : Cadence Weapon on hip-hop, resistance and surviving the music industry /. :xiii,286pages;.
Diamond C, Jung E.  2022.  Charlotte Diamond's animal friends : a collection of songs /. :pagescm.
Popoff M.  2022.  Driven : Rush in the '90s and "in the end" /. :pagescm.
Porter W.  2022.  Early English composers and the credo : emphasis as interpretation in sixteenth-century music /. :1onlineresource(xvi,270pages):.
Barclay M.  2022.  Hearts on fire : six years that changed Canadian music, 2000-2005 /. :pagescm.
De Alba-Koch B.  2022.  The Ibero-American Baroque . :1onlineresource..
Laxer DRobert.  2022.  Listening to the fur trade : soundways and music in the British North American fur trade, 1760-1840 /. 3:pagescm.
Laxer DRobert.  2022.  Listening to the fur trade : soundways and music in the British North American fur trade, 1760-1840 /. 3:xiv,304pages:.
Irwin W.  2022.  The meaning of Metallica : ride the lyrics /. :x,187pages;.
[Anonymous].  2022.  Music and Digital Media: A planetary anthropology /. :1onlineresource(xvi,527pages).
Cohen ML, Duncan SP.  2022.  Music-making in U.S. prisons : listening to incarcerated voices /. :223pages;.
Fagan G.  2022.  Sixty years : the rise of Canadian choral music at home and abroad /. :390pages;.
Fagan G.  2022.  Sixty years : the rise of Canadian choral music at home and abroad /. :390pages;.
Molleson K.  2022.  Sound within sound : a radical history of composers in the 20th century /.
Wainwright M.  2022.  Stories I might regret telling you : a memoir /. :pagescm.
