
Terms of Reference
The purpose of the Development Committee is to establish IAML’s fundraising strategy and to develop and implement the Association’s fundraising activities. The responsibilities of the Committee are to establish a broad strategy and then set priorities for IAML’s fundraising efforts; to present the strategy and priorities to the IAML Board for approval; to identify funding sources, including  individuals, corporations, and foundations.

In addition, the Committee shall set annual fundraising targets and develop plans to meet them in coordination with the National Branches to ensure there is no conflict with any fundraising activities undertaken or anticipated by the Branches. The Committee shall report outcomes against targets to the Board.

The Committee shall comprise between 4 and 6 members, appointed by the Board.  The Treasurer and President shall be ex-officio members.


Jim Cassaro, U.S., chair 2019-2022 ; 2022-2025

Janneka Guise (Canada)
Kathy Adamson (UK)
Kimmy Szeto (Treasurer, ex officio)
Anders Cato (Secretary General, ex officio)
Rupert Ridgewell (President, ex officio)


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