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Carlin M..  2011.  The blue in the air . :142p.;.
Duffy T, Lord R, Ferris WR.  2019.  Blue muse : Timothy Duffy's Southern photographs /. :1onlineresource.
Aoki S, Paisner D.  2019.  Blue : the color of noise /. :viii,209pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Ford R.  2019.  A blues bibliography. . :1onlineresource..
Ford R.  2019.  A blues bibliography. . :1volume;.
Ford R.  2020.  A blues bibliography : update to the second edition /. :1onlineresource.
Rowley S.  2019.  The blues collection : classic stories of the blues greats /. :146pages:.
Espínola F.  2019.  Blues de gas. Enciclopedia de las mujeres y el blues (1920-2020). :456.
Arnold BBoy, Field K.  2021.  The blues dream of Billy Boy Arnold . :1onlineresource.
Oliver P.  2020.  Blues fell this morning : meaning in the blues /. :1onlineresource.
De Vries F.  2021.  Blues for the white man: Hearing black voices in South Africa and the Deep South. :xii,238pages.
de Vries F.  2021.  Blues for the white man : hearing black voices in South Africa and the deep South /. :xii,238pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Bailey O.  2013.  Blues guitar heroes . :253pages:.
[Anonymous].  2013.  The blues magazine. .
Clark JL.  2023.  Blues on stage : the blues entertainment industry in the 1920s /. :v,236pages:.
Skinner T, Drudy A.  2020.  Blues & rock : 10 easy-to-follow guitar lessons /. :1volume:.
King CThomas.  2021.  The blues : the authentic narrative of my music and culture /. :xvi,400pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Kovács J.  2017.  A blues története a kezdetektől napjainkig . :591.
Barnes P, Gammond P.  2013.  The bluffer's guide to jazz . :109pages;.
[Anonymous].  2020.  Bluffer's guide to rock music : instant wit and wisdom.. :1volume;.
Kritzas V.  2016.  Bob Dylan: 100 tragoudia. oi istories pisō apo afta kai ē sēmasia tous = Bod Dylan : 100 τραγούδια : οι ιστορίες πίσω από αυτά και η σημασία τους. :262p..
Marshall SM.  2017.  Bob Dylan : a spiritual life /. :xviii,285pages;.
Boucher D, Boucher L.  2020.  Bob Dylan and Leonard Cohen : deaths and entrances /. :1onlineresource(272pages).
Barker D.  2019.  Bob Dylan anthology : celebrating the 200th ISIS edition.. :1volume:.
Bradshaw B.  2019.  Bob Dylan at the Isle of Wight Festival 1969 . :191pages:.
