Recent Publications in Music

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Tihamér V, Pál R, Jovanović J, Lajić MDanka, Lásztity P, Vujicsics M, Gábor E.  2020.  Musičke tradicije južnih Slovena u Mađarskoj = A magyarországi délszlávok zenei hagyományai = Musical traditions of South Slavs in Hungary . :617.
Tihamér V, Pál R, Jovanović J, Lajić MDanka, Lásztity P, Vujicsics M, Gábor E.  2020.  Musičke tradicije južnih Slovena u Mađarskoj = A magyarországi délszlávok zenei hagyományai = Musical traditions of South Slavs in Hungary . :617.
Tribe C, Lindsay-Douglas C.  2012.  The musical Ukulele : a book for individuals, small groups or whole classes /. :iv,100pages:.
Bunzel A, Loges N.  2019.  Musical salon culture in the long nineteenth century . :xviii,284pages:.
Leneman H.  2019.  Musical illuminations of Genesis narratives . :1volume:.
López-Fernández M.  2018.  Música en Sevilla en el siglo XX. Libargo Investiga. 4:406p..
López-Cano R.  2018.  Música dispersa. Apropiación, influencias, robos y remix en la era de la escucha digital. :221p..
Lowe LA.  2017.  Music therapy : perspectives, cultural aspects and clinical outcomes /. :1onlineresource..
Ludwig A.  2019.  Music therapy in children and young people's palliative care . :1onlineresource..
Ludwig A.  2019.  Music therapy in children and young people's palliative care . :1volume;.
Ludwig A, Schatzberger L.  2019.  Music therapy in children and young people's palliative care . :184pages;.
Lehmberg LJ, C. Fung V.  2023.  Music, senior centers, and quality of life . :x,208pages:.
Jackson AS, Luyk S..  2020.  Music research data management : a guide for librarians . Music Library Association technical reports series . :vii,142pages.
Lütteken L, Steichen J, Reynolds CA.  2019.  Music of the Renaissance : imagination and reality of a cultural practice /. :1onlineresource.
Lloyd S, Sparkes D, Sparkes BA, Foss HJ, Foss D..  2019.  Music in their time : the memoirs and letters of Dora and Hubert Foss /. :1onlineresource:.
Lee M.  2022.  Music in the horror films of Val Lewton . :1onlineresource(x,213pages.)..
Leonard KPreston.  2016.  Music for silent film : a guide to North American resources . volume 39:xviii,277pages:.
Osborne R., Laing D..  2020.  Music by Numbers : The Use and Abuse of Statistics in the Music Industries /. :1onlineresource(280p.).
Liebersohn H.  2019.  Music and the new global culture : from the great exhibitions to the jazz age /. :343pages:.
Levine VLindsay, Robinson D.  2019.  Music and modernity among first peoples of North America . :xviii,330pages:.
Modin M, Ternhag G, Lundberg D, Brusila J.  2018.  Museala och musikaliska föreställningar om historiska musikinstrument [Elektronisk resurs] En studie av Musikhistoriska museets verksamhet 1899–1918.
Paksa K, Németh I, Lendvay D, Pokoly J.  2018.  Muravidéki magyar népzene népzenetörténeti áttekintés = Prekmurska madžarska ljudska glasba = Hungarian folk music of the Mura Region. :340.
Lajos F.  2020.  Mozart és Haydn a szabadkőmívességben . :52.
Lempesē L, Zoumpoulakēs P.  2015.  Mousikē empneusmenē apo tēn archaia Hellada kai tē logotechnia : Hellēnes kai xenoi synthetes /. :262pages:.
Lawrence I.  2020.  More ukulele magic. . :1volume;.
