Recent Publications in Music

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Nielsen SKaargaard.  2020.  Musik. 79 :60sider.
Fleet P.  2022.  Musics with and after tonality : mining the gap /. :xv,251pages:.
Bullock PRoss, Grimley DM.  2021.  Music's Nordic breakthrough : aesthetics, modernity, and cultural exchange, 1890-1930 /. :xv,278pages:.
Albright D, Rehding A.  2021.  Music's monisms : disarticulating modernism /. :1onlineresource(xiv,298pages):.
del Canpo P, Torres E.  2020.  Musicoterapia y Medicina. Intervenciones y casos clínicos.
Sacks OW.  2011.  Musicophilia : tales of music and the brain /. :xv,425p.;.
Niranjana T.  2020.  Musicophilia in Mumbai : performing subjects and the metropolitan unconscious /. :xii,238pages:.
Buck DN.  2017.  A musicology for landscape . :xx,178pages:.
Caddy D, Clark M.  2020.  Musicology and dance : historical and critical perspectives /. :1volume:.
Cohen ML, Duncan SP.  2022.  Music-making in U.S. prisons : listening to incarcerated voices /. :223pages;.
Tihamér V, Pál R, Jovanović J, Lajić MDanka, Lásztity P, Vujicsics M, Gábor E.  2020.  Musičke tradicije južnih Slovena u Mađarskoj = A magyarországi délszlávok zenei hagyományai = Musical traditions of South Slavs in Hungary . :617.
DeNora T..  2011.  Music-in-action : selected essays in sonic ecology /. :1v.;.
Chiche M..  2021.  Musiciennes de légende. De l'ombre à la lumière. . :179p..
Johnson C.  2019.  Musicians' migratory patterns : the African drum as symbol in early America /. :1volume:.
Johnson C.  2019.  Musicians' migratory patterns : the African drum as symbol in early America /. :1onlineresource:.
Rodriguez M.  2020.  Musicians' migratory patterns : American-Mexican border lands /. :1volume:.
Tsioulakis I.  2020.  Musicians in crisis : working and playing in the Greek popular music industry /. :1volume:.
Nightingale C.  2013.  Musicians' handbook : the essential guide for professional and aspiring musicians /. :116pages:.
Owens U, Gargagliano A, Smalls A.  2021.  The musician's career guide : turning your talent into sustained success /. :xiv,238pages;.
Saintilan P.  2020.  Musicians & addiction : research and recovery stories /. :366pages:.
Fairchild C.  2021.  Musician in the museum : display and power in neoliberal popular culture /. :1onlineresource(x,256pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates):.
Tchaikowsky A, Belina-Johnson A.  2013.  A musician divided : André Tchaikowsky in his own words /. no. 10:434pages:.
Misgeld O.  2024.  Music-Dance Mediations [Elektronisk resurs] Performative Explorations into an Asymmetrical Type of the Swedish Polska.
Castaldo G..  2011.  MusicBox : photographing the all-time greats /. :479p.:.
Botella-Nicolás A-M, Isusi-Fagoaga R.  2018.  Músicas populares, sociedad y territorio. Sinergias entre investigación y docencia.. :256p..
