Recent Publications in Music
Arvo Pärt : válogatott beszélgetések és írások. Zeneszerzők írásai. :247.
2019. Arvo Pärt's white light : media, culture, politics /. :xiv,268pages:.
2019. As Glenn as can be. :pagescm.
2022. .
2017. AS/A2 music technology. . :144pages:.
2011. .
2017. Asakusa opera : butai geijutsu to goraku no kindai /. :290pages:.
2017. .
2020. Ashes to Light : a Holocaust Childhood to a Life in Music /. :1onlineresource..
2018. Ashes to Light : a Holocaust Childhood to a Life in Music /. :1onlineresource..
2018. The Ashgate research companion to Henry Purcell . :xviii,420p.:.
2012. The Ashgate research companion to minimalist and postminimalist music . :xxvi,431pages:.
2013. Aspects of complexity in recent British music . :1onlineresource..
2019. Aspects of English keyboard music before c.1630 . :1onlineresource..
2019. Aspects of English keyboard music before c.1630 . :1onlineresource:.
2019. Assembling a Black counter culture . :432pages:.
2022. The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music : a social and cultural history /. :xi,274pages:.
2013. The Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music : a social and cultural history /. :xi,274pages:.
2013. Associationen Josef Strauss (1827-1870) . :275pages:.
2020. Astonishing Rock Trivia . :v.;.
2020. Asymmetric plain doubles methods disentangled . book 3:56pages:.
2019. .
2020. .
2020. .