Open Letter: Include Culture in Your National Recovery Strategies and Reactivate Cultural Life in Europe

IAML is one of the signatories of the Open Letter "Include Culture in Your National Recovery Strategies and Reactivate Cultural Life in Europe". This joint letter is endorsed by 110+ pan-European cultural networks, including the European Music Council (EMC), which IAML is a member of, representing European cultural and creative sectors and industries.

Following the open letter published on 30 October 2020 “Make culture central in the EU recovery”, the group comes together again to reiterate their call to the national governments and the European Commission. In the second open letter published on 19 March 2021 by the group, coordinated by Culture Action Europe, the European cultural community call on the Member States and the European Commission to secure a future for culture and cultural life in Europe.

"Ensuring that culture is explicitly included in the National Recovery and Resilience Plans (NRRPs) will help secure both the future of the sector and its important contribution to Europe’s future. [...] We ask the Member States to reactivate cultural life in Europe, while keeping existing and putting in place new dedicated support schemes far beyond stabilisation of the situation. This will help rebuild confidence of both cultural communities and citizens, ensure a smooth resumption of activities and offer hope to the millions of Europeans whose lives have become barren, devoid of cultural and social connection."

The full text can be read here.


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