Recent Publications in Music
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Antipodean riffs : essays on Australasian jazz /. :vi,296pages:.
2016. .
2021. .
2022. .
2023. .
2020. Anton Stadler Wirken und Lebensumfeld des "Mozart-Klarinettisten.. :1onlineresource.
2020. Anton Webern : a research and information guide /. :xix,217pages;.
2017. .
2020. Antonio Caldara nel suo tempo. 2:370Seiten:.
2017. Antonio Salieri : eine Biografie /. :315pages:.
2019. Anxiety muted : American film music in a suburban age /. :xviii,298pages:illustrations,music;24cm.
2015. Any night of the week : a D.I.Y. history of Toronto music, 1957-2001 /. :1onlineresource(317pages).
2020. .
2020. .
2015. Apo tēn archikē empnefsē stēn telikē morfopoiēsē = Από την αρχική έμπνευση στην τελική μορφοποίηση. :190p..
2016. Apollinaire, les musiciens et la musique. . :1onlineresource.
2021. .
2020. Apostlens langhårede berømmelse : dengang John Lennon og Yoko Ono kom til Thy - og det der fulgte. :164sider.
2020. Approaches to Monteverdi : aesthetic, psychological, analytical and historical studies /. CS1031:1volume(variouspagings):.
2013. .
2021. The Aquincum organ : birth of the king of all instruments. Aquincum pocket guide. :80.
2017. .
2019. .