Recent Publications in Music
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Rimdrottningar, folkmusiker och rockband. . :256sidor.
2022. .
2013. .
2020. Sea of voices : the story of Côr Meibion Morlais /. :xiii,207p.,[16]leavesofplates:.
2011. A varázsfuvola : opera és misztérium. Német szellemtudományi könyvtár = Deutsche Geisteswissenschaftliche Bibliothek. :454.
2020. .
2020. Music all the way . :375p.:.
2011. .
2019. Women Composers' Creative Conditions Before and During the Turkish Republic A Case Study on Three Women Composers: Leyla Hanımefendi, Nazife Aral-Güran, and Yüksel Koptagel.. :1onlineresource(518p.).
2021. One-handed piano compositions and injury awareness : history, study of selected works, and mindful practice /. :xvii,175pages:.
2021. Looks like rain : the songwriting legacy of Mickey Newbury /. :1onlineresource.
2021. .
2021. Along the path of music. :viii,185pages,2unnumberedpages:illustrations;25cm.
2016. Opera cinema : a new cultural experience /. :1onlineresource(xiv,234pages).
2022. .
2016. Gramofon 25 - Zenetudományi és zenekritikai antológia . Gramofon könyvek. :350.
2022. Vízmelléki népzene : Kozák József ádámosi prímás dallamai. Népzenei füzetek. Hangszeres népzenei példatár. :132.
2019. Lev's violin : an Italian adventure /. :1volume;.
2020. Lev's violin : an Italian adventure /. :1onlineresource..
2020. The work experience manual . :81pages;.
2013. Daniel-François-Esprit Auber : Le Cheval de bronze /. :xii,251p.;.
2011. The overtures of Daniel-François-Esprit Auber . :xxx,437p.;.
2011. Why Sámi sing : knowing through melodies in Northern Norway /. :1onlineresource(xiii,168pages):.
2023. The film music of John Williams : reviving Hollywood's classical style /. :xiii,381pages:.
2021. Film music in concert : the pioneering role of the Boston Pops Orchestra /. :1onlineresource.