Recent Publications in Music

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Judit B.  2022.  1800 előtti magyarországi katolikus népénekek és énekeskönyvek szakirodalmi bibliográfiája 2020-ig. Lelkiségtörténeti bibliográfiák . 3:146.
Anna D.  2022.  A 20–21. Századi Magyar Zenei Archívum tíz éve . :136.
[Anonymous].  2022.  30+2 éves Balatonalmádi Város Vegyeskara, 1990-2022. :32.
Segretto M.  2022.  33 1/3 revolutions per minute : a critical trip through the rock LP era, 1955-1999 /. :xiv,613pages:.
French M.  2022.  Acoustic guitar design. :1onlineresource.
Campbell MV.  2022.  Afrosonic life . :1onlineresource.
Jenkins W.  2022.  Ain't but a few of us : black music writers tell their story /. :1onlineresource(312pages).
Lenz R.  2022.  Alan Lomax, the South, and the American folk music revival, 1933-1969 . volume 16:447pages:.
Quenoy PDu.  2022.  Alexander Serov and the birth of the Russian modern . :1onlineresource:.
Sommer I..  2022.  Alfred Grünfeld (1852-1924) Der ""Pianist Wiens"".. :1onlineresource(430p.).
Prucher S..  2022.  Almanach der Universität Mozarteum Salzburg Studienjahr 2020/21.. v.16:1onlineresource(242p.)..
Hallman DR, Leal CAndrés.  2022.  America in the French imaginary, 1789 -1914 : music, revolution and race /. 10:xxvi,382pages:.
Starr L, Waterman CAlan, Osborn B.  2022.  American popular music : from minstrelsy to MP3 /. :xxvi,660pages:.
Wilder A.  2022.  American popular song : the great innovators, 1900-1950 /. :1onlineresource:.
Kaufman W.  2022.  American song and struggle from Columbus to World War II : a cultural history /. :xviii,511pages:.
Parsons L, Ravenscroft B.  2022.  Analytical essays on music by women composers : concert music, 1900-1960 /. volume 2:viii,283pages:.
Myers M.  2022.  Anatomy of 55 more songs : the oral history of top hits that changed rock, pop and soul /. :xiii,368pages:.
