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V. Agawu K.  2016.  The African imagination in music. :x,372pages:illustrations,music;.
Agamennone M, Palma D, Sarno G.  2023.  Sounds of the pandemic : accounts, experiences, perspectives in times of COVID-19 /. :xiii,295pages:.
Afzal-Khan F.  2020.  Siren song : understanding Pakistan through its women singers /. :xxxviii,211pages:.
Afuera-Heredero Á.  2021.  Aquí, Unión Radio. Crónica de la primera cadena española (1925-1939). :520p..
Afolayan A, Falola T.  2022.  Fela Anikulapo-Kuti : Afrobeat, rebellion, and philosophy /. :vii,290pages;.
Aduonum AOforiwaa.  2022.  Walking with Asafo in Ghana : an ethnographic account of Kormantse Bentsir warrior music /. :xxv,379pages:.
Adrovicz I.  2015.  Az ember gitárja : a mindent túlélő hangszer. :272p..
Adrienne K, Ágnes S.  2022.  Ferenc Liszt: Grand Duo. :172.
Adrienne K.  2022.  Ferenc Liszt: Works and Arrangements for Piano Duet and Two Pianos / Werke und Bearbeitungen für Klavier zu vier Händen und zwei Klaviere / Művek és átdolgozások zongorára négy kézre és két zongorára: NLE / NLA / LZK III. :172.
Adrian L.  2020.  Mit liv med Fangekoret. :212.
Adorno TW, Hoban W, Adorno TW, Adorno TW.  2019.  Night music : essays on music 1928-1962 /. :1volume;.
Adorno TWiesengrun.  2021.  La fonction de la couleur dans la musique : timbre, musique et peinture, Wagner, Strauss et autres essais /. :1vol..
Adorno TW, Csobó PG, Ignácz Á, Fazekas G.  2017.  Az új zene filozófiája. :238.
Adorno TWiesengrun, János W, Ignácz Á, Csobó PGyörgy.  2018.  Mahler egy zenei fiziognómia . :207.
Adolphe B.  2021.  The mind's ear : exercises for improving the musical imagination for performers, composers, and listeners /. :1onlineresource(240pages):.
Adolphe B..  2023.  Visions and decisions : imagination and technique in music composition /. :72pages:.
Adolphe B.  2023.  Visions and decisions : imagination and technique in music composition /. :1onlineresource(72pages).
Adlington R.  2019.  New music theatre in Europe : transformations between 1955-1975 /. :1volume:.
Adlington R.  2019.  New music theatre in Europe : transformations between 1955-1975 /. :1onlineresource:.
Adlington R.  2013.  Red strains : music and communism outside the communist bloc /. 185:xv,309pages:.
Adler-McKean J.  2020.  The techniques of tuba playing = Die Spieltechnik der Tuba /. :211pages:.
Adler R.  2022.  Musical assessment of gerontologic needs and treatment : the MAGNET survey /. :92pages;.
