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Kádár AJ.  2016.  A trecento költészete és a zene . :112p..
Beith R.  2018.  A tribute to Rudolf Firkušný, 1912-1994 : protégé of Leoš Janáček and lifelong friend of Bohuslav Martinů /. no. 9:viii,92pages:.
Eősze L, Szomory G.  2015.  Trisztán és Aida : séták az opera világában : válogatott tanulmányok. :107p..
Cohen S, Jennings R, Grenier L.  2022.  Troubling inheritances : memory, music, and aging /. :vi,222pages:.
Malmborg J.  2020.  Trubbel : berättelsen om Olle Adolphson.
Booth S.  2012.  The true adventures of the Rolling Stones . 16:xi,552pages:.
Turner F.  2020.  Try this at home : adventures in songwriting /. :1volume;.
Ramsten M, Strand K, Ternhag G.  2015.  Tryckta visor : perspektiv på skillingtryck som källmaterial.
Maruyama T..  2016.  Tsugawa shuichi no shōgai to gyōseki : kami to hito to ongaku toni tsukaete /. :253pages;.
Gunji M.  2016.  Tsuruya nanboku : kabuki ga unda mukyōyō no hyōgen shugi /. 2378:221pages;.
Anna D.  2021.  Tudós nő a Horthy-korszakban : Prahács Margit (1893-1974) . Musicologia Hungarica. 1:46.
Meredith S.  2020.  Tuk music tradition in Barbados . :1volume;.
Shields H, Shields L.  2013.  Tunes of the Munster pipers: Irish traditional music from the James Goodman manuscripts, volume 2. Studies in Irish traditional music. :xxx,282pages.
Pedersen INygaard, Lindvang C, Beck BDaniels, Willert S, Odell-Miller H.  2023.  Tuning the therapist : a training model to tune the therapist /. :362pages:.
Gribenski F.  2023.  Tuning the world : the rise of 440 Hertz in music, science, and politics, 1859-1955 /. :1onlineresource(1volume):.
Kerr M.  2013.  Tuppence and a bottle of whisky : the early years of Boghall and Bathgate Caledonian Pipe Band /. :86pages:.
Cvoro U..  2014.  Turbo-folk music and cultural representations of national identity in former Yugoslavia . :209pages:.
Shapiro P.  2020.  Turn the beat around : the secret history of disco /. :xviii,350pages;.
Škarica S.  2017.  Tvornica glazbe : priče iz Dubrave : bilješke za biografiju ili Various Artists : knjiga prva 1947.-1969.. :421.
Škarica S.  2019.  Tvornica glazbe : priče iz Dubrave : bilješke za biografiju ili Various Artists. :575.
Sly GCameron, Callahan M.  2021.  Twentieth- and twenty-first-century song cycles : analytical pathways toward performance /. :1onlineresource(xii,233pages):.
Perchard T, Graham S, Rutherford-Johnson T, Rogers H.  2022.  Twentieth-century music in the West : an introduction /. :xiii,479pages:.
Heal J.  2020.  Twice : the story of K-Pop's greatest girl group /. :1volume:.
Panay PA, R. Hendrix M.  2021.  Two beats ahead : what musical minds teach us about innovation /. :v,246pages;.
Lindsay B.  2020.  Two bold singermen and the English folk revival : the lives, song traditions and legacies of Sam Larner and Harry Cox /. :1volume;.
