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Tecnología y creación musical. . Colección Actas (Lérida, Spain). :408p..
2015. .
2020. Teklife/Ghettoville/Eski : the sonic ecologies of Black music in the early twenty-first century /. :171pages:.
2021. .
2019. The Telemann compendium . :1volume:.
2020. Tell me why : the story of my life and my music /. :378pages,32unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2019. Tell Vilmos . :62.
2020. Tell Vilmos. :62.
2020. .
2023. Telling stories . :240pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2013. .
2020. Template mixing and mastering : the ultimate guide to achieving a professional sound /. :1onlineresource:.
2020. The temple of fame and friendship : portraits, music, and history in the C.P.E. Bach circle /. :332pages:.
2022. Tempo and tactus in the German Baroque : treatises, scores, and the performance of organ music /. v. 178:1onlineresource(xxi,523pages):.
2021. Temporality and Narrativity in Music Drama. Musicological Studies. Monographs. :p.215.
2017. .
2013. The TENG guide to the Chinese orchestra . :1onlineresource.
2019. Tensai Sakkyokuka, Ōsawa Hisato : kakemeguru Bosuton, Pari, Nihon /. :565,xviiipages:.
2017. Teoría y técnica del sonido. :220.
2019. Teresa Catalán. Kaierak Bilduma-Basque Composers of the 21st century. :157p..
2020. Terrence Malick : sonic style /. :1volume:.
2019. Terrence Malick : sonic style /. :xi,127pages;.
2019. Terrible freedom : the life and work of Lucia Dlugoszewski /. 31:1onlineresource(xv,227pages):.
2022. Terrible freedom : the life and work of Lucia Dlugoszewski /. 31:xv,227pages:.
2022. .