Music brings people together, and IAML membership supports our aim to make music internationally accessible through acquisition and lending, preservation and digitization, cataloguing and bibliography, and documentation and research. Moreover, most music librarians and archivists serve as educators, opening up the vast world of information and repertoire during their daily interactions with students, faculty members, researchers, musicians, and the general public. We work internationally on multiple fronts to promote and protect musical heritage among diverse cultures, because the importance of music in the lives of the world's peoples is something we truly cherish.

Best wishes to all colleagues for a very happy holiday season, and a wonderful New Year from the IAML President!

[Previously posted on IAML-L]

Dear All,

Greetings from New York, where we had snow earlier in the week and tomorrow it is predicted to be close to 60 degrees Fahrenheit (15.5 degrees Celsius). Fickle weather!

I am writing with a brief update on IAML activities. Much has been going on since my last update in late September, and here are a few highlights:

Musical Advent Calendar

The Norwegian Institute of Recorded Sound (NIRS) follows up on the great feedback we got over the last few years for our musical Advent Calendar with more old, old… ooold recordings! After all, it has now become a tradition!


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