Music brings people together, and IAML membership supports our aim to make music internationally accessible through acquisition and lending, preservation and digitization, cataloguing and bibliography, and documentation and research. Moreover, most music librarians and archivists serve as educators, opening up the vast world of information and repertoire during their daily interactions with students, faculty members, researchers, musicians, and the general public. We work internationally on multiple fronts to promote and protect musical heritage among diverse cultures, because the importance of music in the lives of the world's peoples is something we truly cherish.

Result of the elections for President and Vice-Presidents

For those of you who did not attend the Conference in Vienna last week it is my pleasure to announce the result of the elections for the positions as President and Vice-Presidents:


Barbara Mackenzie, RILM Editor-in-Chief


Johan Eeckeloo, Conservatory Brussels
Antony Gordon, British Library
Joseph Hafner, McGill University
Stanisław Hrabia, Jagiellonian University, Krakow

IAML Vienna Conference Diary / Konferenztagebuch #7: Deutschschweiz (Switzerland / Schweiz / Suisse / Svizzera)

This report is a real challenge for your translation program: Jürg Obrecht from Switzerland reports from the excursion "Fin de Siècle". His language is ... Schwyzerdütsch: Wi jede Midwuch i-n-ere IAML-Konferänz hei mer ou das Mou zwüsche verschidene Exkursione chönne wähle.

IAML Vienna Conference Diary / Konferenztagebuch #6: Norwegian / Norsk (Norway / Norge)

Frida Røsand's diary entry comes from the far north, from Norway: Det foredraget som jeg på forhånd var mest spent på, var «Orchestral sheet music replaced by tablet computers. New trends in software development». Foredragsholdere var Jonas Coomans og Bob Hamblok fra neoScores i Brussel.

IAML Vienna Conference Diary / Konferenztagebuch #5: French / Français (Belgium / Belgique)

This report comes from Belgium, the host country of our next IAML Conference. Marie Cornaz: Ma participation à la conférence de Vienne cette année restera sûrement un des événements marquants de ma carrière depuis mon arrivée à la direction des collections musicales de la Bibliothèque royale de Belgique en 2007.


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