Music brings people together, and IAML membership supports our aim to make music internationally accessible through acquisition and lending, preservation and digitization, cataloguing and bibliography, and documentation and research. Moreover, most music librarians and archivists serve as educators, opening up the vast world of information and repertoire during their daily interactions with students, faculty members, researchers, musicians, and the general public. We work internationally on multiple fronts to promote and protect musical heritage among diverse cultures, because the importance of music in the lives of the world's peoples is something we truly cherish.

Suggested process for making comments to the revised constitutional documents recently published

Dear colleagues

Now that the proposed revisions for both the Constitution and Rules of Procedure have been published on the IAML website [Secretary General's note: Please, see the attachments below], I thought it might be useful for me, as Chair of the group which Council requested be set up ‘to draft changes in the Constitution and the Rules of Procedure to create an administrative structure for IAML with the decision-making authority divided between the Board and the General Assembly’ (Council minutes, Vienna, 28 July, 1 August 2013), to send a note round to advise on the process from now.

IAML News, Friday Edition

Today! From IAML -- From IAML’s Partner Organizations -- From IAML’s national groups -- From IAML’s projects -- Articles of interest -- New Music Publication -- Archival Collection Now Available -- Crowdsourcing Experiment -- Spotlight on: John Luther Adams -- Friday Fun


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