Recent Publications in Music

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Curkpatrick S.  2020.  Singing bones : ancestral creativity and collaboration /. :1onlineresource.
Campaign Choirs Writing Collective,.  2020.  Singing for our lives : stories from the street choirs /. :1onlineresource:.
Young M.  2020.  Singing the body electric : the human voice and sound technology /. :1volume;.
Hyde J.  2020.  Singing the news : ballads in mid-Tudor England /. :1volume;.
Shroff N..  2020.  Singing through the years : the journey of a boys' choir for fifty years, 1970-2020. :65.
Wilson BMcDowell.  2020.  Singing to the lyre in Renaissance Italy : memory, performance, and oral poetry /. :xii,473pages.
Hughes D, Evans M.  2020.  The singing voice in contemporary cinema . :1volume;.
Afzal-Khan F.  2020.  Siren song : understanding Pakistan through its women singers /. :xxxviii,211pages:.
, O'Brien L.  2020.  Skin : the memoir /. :1volume:.
Franke L.  2020.  Skönt från själ till själ det ljöd : Svenska Missionsförbundets musikaliska historia : berättad genom Gunno och Axel Söderstens gärningar....
Skoutella APieridou.  2020.  Small musical worlds in the Mediterranean : ethnicity, globalization and Greek Cypriot children's musical identities /. :1volume;.
Sneum J.  2020.  Sneums kalejdoskop : mennesker, steder og musik. :295sider.
Geck M..  2020.  So sah die Welt Beethoven : Momentaufnahmen in Wort und Bild aus zweieinhalb Jahrhunderten /. :176pages:.
Rice PF.  2020.  Solo English cantatas and Italian odes of Thomas A. Arne . :1onlineresource(xii,247pages.)..
Rice PF.  2020.  The solo English cantatas and Italian odes of Thomas A. Arne . :1volume;.
Lang J.  2020.  Some memories never die . :viii,293pages,16unnumberedpages:.
Sondheim S, Gethers P, Perreault R.  2020.  Sondheim : lyrics /. :1volume..
Neale M, Kelly L.  2020.  Songlines : the power and promise /. :207pages:.
Johansson O.  2020.  Songs from Sweden : shaping pop culture in a globalized music industry /. :1volume:.
Schulze H.  2020.  Sonic fiction . :178pages;.
Ellison B, Bailey TBey Willia, López F.  2020.  Sonic phantoms : composition with auditory phantasmatic presence /. :1onlineresource(224pages).
Ellison B, Bailey TBey Willia.  2020.  Sonic phantoms : composition with auditory phantasmatic presence /. :1volume;.
Esteve-Roldán E, Fenlon I, Rodilla-León F.  2020.  Sonido y espacio. Antiguas experiencias musicales ibéricas. :469p..
Epstein MJenneth.  2020.  Sound and noise : a listener's guide to everyday life /. :1onlineresource(xx,388pages):.
Dack J., Spinks T., Stanović A..  2020.  Sound Art and Music Philosophy, Composition, Performance.. :1onlineresource(235p.).
