Recent Publications in Music
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The cultural and artistic legacy of Oliver Mtukudzi : using language for social justice /. :1onlineresource(277pages).
2022. Compositrices : l'égalité en acte /. :469pages:.
2019. .
2019. A complete absence of wit & wisdom : occasional writing by New Zealand composer Philip Norman. :196.
2022. Clifford K. Madsen's contributions to music education and music therapy : love of learning /. :1onlineresource:.
2020. Classical Music in a Changing World : Crisis and Vital Signs.. :1onlineresource(xi,104pages).
2021. Classical music : expect the unexpected /. :1onlineresource(x,238pages).
2019. .
2019. .
2018. Career choices in music beyond the pandemic : musical and psychological perspectives /. :1onlineresource(xxv,124pages).
2023. .
2021. The Cambridge companion to the 'Eroica' symphony . :1volume:.
2020. .
Breviarium Strigoniense. 4/e.T. Proprium de Tempore Passionis (editio ad experimentum) . Bibliotheca scriptorum medii recentisque. Monumenta ritualia Hungarica ; Series practica. :174.
2017. Breviarium Strigoniense. 4/d.T. Proprium de Tempore Quadragesimae (editio ad experimentum) . Bibliotheca scriptorum medii recentisque aevorum. Monumenta ritualia Hungarica ; Series practica . :178.
2017. Breviarium Strigoniense. 4/c.T. Proprium de Tempore post Epiphaniam (editio ad experimentum) . Bibliotheca scriptorum medii recentisque aevorum. Monumenta ritualia Hungarica ; Series practica .
2017. .
2020. .
2018. The body in sound, music and performance : studies in audio and sonic arts /. :1onlineresource.
2023. Bob Dylan in performance : song, stage, and screen /. :xv,299pages;.
2019. Bob Dylan in performance : song, stage, and screen /. :xv,299pages;.
2019. Blame it on Abba : how I ditched my day job to chase a childhood dream. :247pages:illustrations.
2018. .
2023. .
2022. Bernhard Christensen . :1bog(104sider):.