The application period is open for Outreach travel awards for the 23-28 June 2024 IAML Congress in Stellenbosch, South Africa. The deadline for applications is Friday 23 February 2024.
IAML Outreach Fund
Funding was set up in 1998 to assist music librarians from economically disadvantaged countries to attend the annual IAML congresses. The amount available for congress support varies from year to year. The Treasurer confirms the total amount available for each congress and this sum is administered by the Outreach Committee. Additional funding is available from donations made by other delegates specifically for this purpose. Here are the application form and guidelines.
Please check also if you are eligible to apply for support from the Liesbeth Hoedemaeker-Cohen Fund or the H. Robert Cohen/RIPM Fund. Applicants are welcome to apply for more than one award, but if selected, will normally only receive one award.
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