Recent Publications in Music
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Conferencias sobre arte Sonoro. Colecciones al Peso; 250 gramos. :180p..
2017. .
2021. .
2015. Congregational music, conflict, and community . :ix,197pages:.
2017. Congreso Internacional de Danza, Investigación y Educación: Danza y Comunicación. Comunicar en danza. :480p..
2020. Connecting sounds : The social life of music /. :1onlineresource..
2019. Connectionist representations of tonal music : discovering musical patterns by interpreting artificial neural networks /. :1onlineresource(xv,295pages):.
2018. Constellations: the life and music of John Buckley. :xiii,223pages.
2011. Constructing musicology . :1onlineresource..
2020. Constructing urban space with sounds and music . :vii,126pages:.
2014. Contemporary dimensions in Nigerian music : a festschrift for Arugha Aboyowa Ogisi /. :xxviii,289pages:.
2021. .
2017. A Contemporary History of the Chinese Zheng . :1onlineresource(253p.).
2023. .
2020. Contemporary musical expressions in Canada . :1onlineresource(xx,536pages).
2019. Contemporary musical expressions in Canada . :1onlineresource(xx,536pages).
2019. Contemporary Musical Expressions in Canada . :1onlineresource(557pages).
2020. Contemporary research in music learning across the lifespan : music education and human development /. 4:xii,260pages:illustrations;.
2017. .
2015. Contemporary world musicians . :1onlineresource..
2020. Contemporary worship music and everyday musical lives . :vii,198pages;.
2017. Contextuality of musicology : what, how, why and because. International Conference of the Department of Musicology of the Faculty of Music, University of Arts in Belgrade. 14:410.
2020. .
2020. Contingent encounters : improvisation in music and everyday life /. :xiv,245pages:.