Recent Publications in Music

6958 Ergebnisse gefunden
Autor Titel Typ [ Jahr(Asc)]
Rucker D, Eisenstock A.  2024.  Life's too short : a memoir /. :242pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Suárez-Pajares J, Clark WAaron, Webber JLloyd, Orringer NR.  2024.  A light in the darkness : the music and life of Joaquín Rodrigo /. :xvii,491pages:.
Puyané NJF.  2024.  Liszt recomposed : exploring intertextual fluidity in song /. :ix,226pages:.
Duarte A, Sardo S.  2024.  Live looping in musical performance : lusophone experiences in dialogue /. :xii,178pages:.
Mats K.  2024.  Människorna, musiken och de mekaniska musikinstrumenten i Norge cirka 1480-1890.
Stein LK.  2024.  The marqués, the divas, and the castrati : Gaspar de Haro y Guzmán and opera in the early modern Spanish orbit /. :xxiv,760pages:.
Borghetti V, Hatzikiriakos AMaria.  2024.  The media of secular music in the medieval and early modern period (1100-1650) . :xvi,319pages:.
Brennan I, Glennie E, Delli M.  2024.  Missing music : voices from where the dirt roads end /. :xv,144pages:.
Carter T.  2024.  Monteverdi's voices : a poetics of the Madrigal /. :xiii,250pages:.
Lindal JLarson.  2024.  The movement of a musical work : Ernst Krenek’s Opus 20 in the interwar years.
Case RB.  2024.  Mr. Bojangles, dance : Jerry Jeff Walker, Sammy Davis, Jr., and the song that made Nixon cry /. :x,246pages:.
Sánchez-Rojo AP.  2024.  Music and modernity in Enlightenment Spain . :vii,298pages:.
Perkins R.  2024.  Music and parental mental wellbeing . :xx,324pages:.
Mehl M.  2024.  Music and the making of modern Japan : joining the global concert /. :xiv,449pages;.
Westvall M, Akuno EAchieng'.  2024.  Music as agency : diversities of perspectives on artistic citizenship /. :xiv,146pages:.
Amos J.  2024.  The music business for music creators : industry mechanics for contemporary creators /. :xvi,343pages:.
Cook N.  2024.  Music, encounter, togetherness . :xii,554pages:.
Perman T, Fiol SPatrick.  2024.  Music making community . :295pages:.
White D.  2024.  The music of Harry Potter and The Lord of the rings : sounds of home in the fantasy franchise /. :xiv,206pages:.
Heine E, Greiving T.  2024.  The music of the How to train your dragon trilogy : a guide to the scores of John Powell /. :viii,200pages:.
Hahn M, Björk C, Westerlund H.  2024.  Music schools in changing societies : how collaborative professionalism can transform music education /. :xv,217pages:.
Hadar T, Aigen K.  2024.  Music, time, and self : a time model for Nordoff-Robbins Clinical Improvisation /. :pagescm.
Johnels L.  2024.  Musical interaction with students with severe/profound intellectual and multiple disabilities.
Federico GF.  2024.  A musical journey through pregnancy : prenatal music therapy /. :1onlineresource.
Misgeld O.  2024.  Music-Dance Mediations [Elektronisk resurs] Performative Explorations into an Asymmetrical Type of the Swedish Polska.
