Recent Publications in Music

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Mawer D, Kelly BL, Moore R, Sadler G.  2023.  Accenting the classics : editing European music in France, 1915-1925 /. :xv,364pages:.
Ogston D, Carlaw M.  2018.  An academic year in the University of Aberdeen Department of Music . :144pages:.
Stakelum M., Himonides E..  2011.  Abstracts : developing the musician : SEMPRE Conference, Friday 4 March 2011 (postgraduate study day) Saturday 5 March 2011, Institute of Education, Bulmershe Court, University of Reading /. :74p.;.
Cobo-Parra P.  2015.  Absorción del sonido. :324p..
Ozawa S, Murakami H, Rubin J.  2016.  Absolutely on music. :xix,325pages.
Díaz-Olaya A-M, Nocilli C.  2018.  Abriendo fronteras: enfoques interdisciplinares de la Coreología. Libargo Investiga. :214p..
Macdonald R., Williams A.  2011.  Ableton live : the ultimate guide /. :130p.:.
Macdonald R, Williams A.  2013.  Ableton Live : the ultimate guide /. :129pages:.
Robinson K.  2019.  Ableton Live 9 : create, produce, perform /. :1volume:.
Péter O.  2020.  Ablak felfelé : írások és tanulmányok a kóruszenéről és művelőiről. :189.
Péter O.  2020.  Ablak felfelé : írások és tanulmányok a kóruszenéről és művelőiről. :189.
McVicar E..  2011.  ABC, my grannie caught a flea : Scots children's songs and rhymes /. :viii,216p.;.
Scott R.  2019.  Abba : the stories behind every song /. :1volume:.
Halling I, Palm CMagnus.  2018.  ABBA : the backstage stories.
Hess CA.  2023.  Aaron Copland in Latin America : music and cultural politics /. :xi,317pages:.
Mugmon M.  2019.  Aaron Copland and the American legacy of Gustav Mahler . :xi,225pages:.
Copland A, Kostelanetz R.  2020.  Aaron Copland : a reader : selected writings, 1923-1972 /. :1onlineresource.
Kobari Y.  2016.  Aa Asakusa opera : shashin de tadoru miwaku no "inchiki" kageki /. 2:228pages:.
