Recent Publications in Music

6795 Ergebnisse gefunden
Autor Titel Typ [ Jahr(Asc)]
Scotland., Sistema Scotland..  2011.  Evaluation of Big Noise, Sistema Scotland . :1onlineresource(136p.).
Frame P.  2011.  Even more rock family trees . :[38]p.(chieflyfolded):.
Smit CR.  2011.  The exile of Britney Spears : a tale of 21st century consumption /. :127p.;.
Randall M..  2011.  Exit music : the Radiohead story /. :x,293p.,[8]p.ofplates:.
Kenyon N.  2011.  The Faber pocket guide to Bach . :496p.;.
Anderton B..  2011.  The final score . :viii,230p.:.
Stafford D, Stafford C.  2011.  Fings ain't wot they used t' be : the Lionel Bart story /. :287p.,[16]p.ofplates:.
Prévost E..  2011.  The first concert : an adaptive appraisal of a meta music /. :xv,234p.;.
King P.  2011.  Flying high : a jazz life and beyond /. :xi,338p.;.
Dherbier Y-B..  2011.  Frank Sinatra : a life in pictures /. :160p.:.
Jackson L, Jackson L.  2011.  Freddie Mercury : the biography /. :278p.,[8]p.ofplates:.
Green I.  2011.  Fuzz to folk : trax of my life /. :334p.:.
Rogerson B..  2011.  GarageBand : the ultimate guide /. :114p.:.
Osborne R.  2011.  Garsington opera : a celebration /. :128p.:.
Fèis Rois..  2011.  Gàidhlig. . :31,51,[2]foldedp.ofplates:.
Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment..  2011.  GCSE examinations, summer 2011 : music : instructions to invigilators : conduct of the listening and appraising test pt. 1. and pt. 2.. :5p.;.
Lewin D.  2011.  Generalized musical intervals and transformations . :xxxi,258p.:.
Meyerbeer G, Letellier RIgnatius., Starr M..  2011.  Giacomo Meyerbeer : Jephtas Gelübde (Jephtha's vow) : orchestral score /. :Score..
Crowther A.  2011.  Gilbert of Gilbert & Sullivan : his life and character /. :272p.:.
Charteris R..  2011.  Giovanni Gabrieli and his contemporaries : music, sources and collections /. 965:1v.(variouspagings):.
Thurston T.  2011.  Gloria: an introduction to 1000 years of European sacred music. :63pages+1CD.
Legg B., McCarthy J, . F.  2011.  Godspeed : the Kurt Cobain graphic /. :1v.(unpaged):.
Walker JP.  2011.  Gram Parsons : God's own singer /. :ix,352p.,[8]p.ofplates:.
Gibson B..  2011.  Great animal songs : topical songs for schools /. :16p.:.
Gibson B..  2011.  Great nature songs : topical songs for schools /. :16p.:.
