Recent Publications in Music
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Critical themes in world music : a reader for Excursions in world music, eighth edition /. :1volume;.
2020. The reel world : scoring for pictures, television, and video games /. :xix,406pages:.
2022. El libro de la salsa. Crónica de la música del Caribe urbano.. Noema. :524p..
2017. Feels like home : a song for the Sonoran borderlands /. :xxvii,218pages:.
2022. .
2016. .
2021. Musiketnologi - elva repliker om en vetenskap . 147:142pages;.
2017. .
2012. .
2018. .
2020. Readying Cavalli's operas for the stage : manuscript, edition, production /. :xxviii,412pages:.
2013. Musical authorship from Schutz to Bach . :xvi,243pages:.
2019. Why Patti Smith matters . 009:228pages;.
2022. .
2015. .
2023. Listen to this . :xv,380p.;.
2011. .
2020. Listen to this über Musik. 00380:431Seiten.
2020. .
2020. .
2021. The producer's music theory handbook . :129pages:.
2019. Musik-Stammbücher. Erinnerung, Unterhaltung und Kommunikation im Europa des 19. Jahrhunderts. . 17:358p..
2020. Nightingales in Berlin : searching for the perfect sound /. :179pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2019. .