Recent Publications in Music

6795 resultats trouvés
Auteur Titre [ Type(Desc)] Année
Wilson BMcDowell.  2019.  Singing to the lyre in Renaissance Italy : memory, performance, and oral poetry /. :1onlineresource:.
Hughes D, Evans M.  2020.  The singing voice in contemporary cinema . :1volume;.
Norman P.  2019.  Sir Elton . :1volume:.
Henderson J, Jarvis T.  2018.  Sir William Henry Harris : organist, choir trainer and composer /. :viii,325pages:.
Henderson J, Jarvis T.  2018.  Sir William Henry Harris : organist, choir trainer and composer /. :viii,325pages:.
Afzal-Khan F.  2020.  Siren song : understanding Pakistan through its women singers /. :xxxviii,211pages:.
Biancorosso G.  2016.  Situated listening : the sound of absorption in classical cinema /. :xi,246pages:.
McPherson S.  2019.  Sixpence a lesson : a New Zealand music teaching adventure: the story of a New Zealand music teacher from start to finish.... :127.
Cunningham MG.  2017.  Sixteen cantigas de Santa Maria with dotted rhythm : study and transcriptions . :x,180pages:illustrations,music.
Devidayal N.  2018.  The Sixth String of Vilayat Khan. :264pages.
Hammond A.  2011.  Sixties boys unzipped . :248p.,[16]p.ofplates:.
Fagan G.  2022.  Sixty years : the rise of Canadian choral music at home and abroad /. :390pages;.
Fagan G.  2022.  Sixty years : the rise of Canadian choral music at home and abroad /. :390pages;.
Danielson E.  2019.  Skillingtryckarna : skillingtrycksproducenter under det langa 1800-talet.
, O'Brien L.  2020.  Skin : the memoir /. :1volume:.
Collier T.  2019.  Skins in the game: a musical memoir. :64.
Franke L.  2020.  Skönt från själ till själ det ljöd : Svenska Missionsförbundets musikaliska historia : berättad genom Gunno och Axel Söderstens gärningar....
Smith ME.  2021.  Slang king : M.E.S. on stage 1977-2013. :180sider:.
Dahlberg T.  2023.  Släpp sångarna loss! : genus, gestaltningsnormer och konstnärligt handlingsutrymme i opera.
Skoutella APieridou.  2020.  Small musical worlds in the Mediterranean : ethnicity, globalization and Greek Cypriot children's musical identities /. :1volume;.
Kotnik V.  2019.  Small places, operatic issues : opera and its peripheral worlds /. :1volume;.
Kotnik V.  2019.  Small places, operatice issues : opera and its peripheral worlds.. :1onlineresource..
Alwakeel R.  2016.  Smile if you dare: pointy hats and politics with the pet shop boys, 1993-1994. :ii,165pages(largeprint):illustrations;24cm..
Sneum J.  2020.  Sneums kalejdoskop : mennesker, steder og musik. :295sider.
Eglinton M.  2017.  So let it be written : the biography of Metallica's James Hetfield /. :219pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates:.
