Recent Publications in Music
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2023. .
666 songs to make you bang your head until you die : a guide to the monsters of rock and metal /. :1volume:.
2020. .
2019. Aaron Copland and the American legacy of Gustav Mahler . :xi,225pages:.
2019. .
2011. Ableton live : the ultimate guide /. :130p.:.
2011. Ableton Live : the ultimate guide /. :129pages:.
2013. Absolutely on music. :xix,325pages.
2016. .
2023. .
2023. Across the western ocean : songs of leaving and arriving. :55pages+1audiodisc.
2016. .
2019. Addicted to noise : the music writings of Michael Goldberg /. :xv,416pages:.
2023. Adolphe Appia alla Scala. :100pages:.
2011. Aerosmith in full flight . :127pages:.
2017. .
2017. Ah well, nobody's perfect : the untold stories /. :ix,482pages,32unnumberedpagesofplates:colourillustrations,portraits(chieflycolour);24cm..
2016. .
2020. .
2019. .
2016. Alban Berg Biographie. :342Seiten.
2018. Alejo Carpentier y la música.. :196p..
2018. A-life for music : music and computer models of living systems . v. 24:xxviii,301pages:.
2011. Seiten
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