Recent Publications in Music

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[Gast].  2011.  Play any of these acoustic hits with only five chords. . :48p.:.
[Gast].  2011.  Play any of these rock hits with only five chords. . :48p.:.
Selby A..  2011.  The pocket guide to opera . :160p.;.
McShane AJ.  2011.  Political broadside ballads of seventeenth-century England : a critical bibliography /. :xlvii,591p.;.
Hopkins A..  2011.  Pop hits . :47p.;.
Bailie S..  2011.  Popular music . :28p.:.
Macdonald R..  2011.  Propellerhead Reason : the ultimate guide /. :130p.:.
Hyman R., Hyman N..  2011.  The Pump Room Orchestra Bath : three centuries of music and social history /. :213p.,8p.ofplates:.
Hayward M., Davis A.  2011.  Queen : on camera, off guard 1965-91 /. :208p.:.
Fitzpatrick R..  2011.  Red Hot Chili Peppers : the stories behind every song /. :175p.:.
Radcliffe M.  2011.  Reelin' in the years : the soundtrack of a northern life /. :ix,333p.;.
Himonides E..  2011.  Researching Sing Up's workforce development : main findings from the first three years : practitioners' singing self-efficacy and knowledge about singing /. :139p.:.
Saunders J.  2011.  Researching the impact of the National Singing Programme 'Sing Up' in England : diverse approaches to successful singing in primary settings : evidence from the Chorister Outreach Programme and other Sing Up schools (2009-2010) /. :51p.:.
[Gast].  2011.  Rhaglen y dydd : Gŵyl Genedlaethol Cymdeithas Cerdd Dant Cymru Cwm Gwendraeth 2011.. :28p.:.
[Gast].  2011.  Rhestr testunau : Gŵyl Genedlaethol Cymdeithas Cerdd Dant Cymru Cwm Gwendraeth 2011.. :15p.:.
Groos A..  2011.  Richard Wagner : Tristan und Isolde /. :ix,215p.:.
Govan C..  2011.  Rihanna : rebel flower /. :186p.,[24]p.ofplates:.
[Gast].  2011.  Rock : artists, songs, eras.. :352p.:.
Spicer MStuart..  2011.  Rock music . :xxix,474p.:.
Shaylor A..  2011.  Rockin' : the rockabilly scene /. :188p.:.
Wolman B..  2011.  The rolling stone years. :175p.:.
Kramer H., Manferto V..  2011.  Rolling Stones : 50 years of rock /. :271.
Hunter D.  2011.  The rough guide to guitar. :313p.:.
Walsh MJK, Airey D.  2011.  Runaway dreams : the story of Mama's Boys and Celtus /. :xviii,262pages:.
Green J..  2011.  Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, a musical life. :ix,296p.:.
