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Bartolome SJ.  2019.  World music pedagogy. . :1volume:.
Bartolome SJ.  2019.  World music pedagogy. . :1onlineresource:.
Bartók J.Béla, Gábor V, Ágnes V, Márta R.  2021.  Chronicles of Béla Bartók's life. :521.
Bartók B.  2016.  Bartók Béla: Cantata profana : a kilenc csodaszarvas. :45p..
Bartók B.  2016.  Bartók Béla írásai [4. köt] : Írások a népzenéről és a népzenekutatásról (2). :506p..
Bartók B, Somfai L, Várjon D.  2017.  15 ungarische Bauernlieder : BB 79 . :VII,24.
Bartók B, Móricz K.  2017.  Concerto for orchestra : BB 123 . Béla Bartók complete critical edition. Serie III. Orchestral works:253.
Bartmanski D, Woodward I.  2020.  Labels : making independent music /. :xviii,307pages:.
Bartmanski D, Woodward I.  2020.  Vinyl : the analogue record in the digital age /. :1onlineresource:.
Bartlett I, Bruce RJ.  2013.  William Boyce : a tercentenary sourcebook and compendium /. :xxii,338pages:.
Bartlett J.  2019.  Phil Thomas & the songs of British Columbia .
Bartig K.  2017.  Sergei Prokofiev's Alexander Nevsky . :x,161pages:.
Bartholdy FMendelssoh, Lindblad AFredrik, Öhrström E, Rudén JOlof.  2019.  Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy och Adolf Fredrik Lindblad : brevväxling 1827-1847.
Bartha D, Scholz A.  2022.  Zenekritikák a Pester Lloydban (1939-1944) . Kor - kultúra - kapcsolódás. :280.
Bartenstein F, Ellison CW.  2021.  Industrial strength bluegrass : Southwestern Ohio's musical legacy /. :1onlineresource(xxv,220pages):.
Barsi E.  2015.  "Bodrog partján nevekedett tulipán..." : sárospataki diákdalok a 18. századból. :11.
Barry R.  2020.  Compact disc . :150pages;.
Barry B..  2020.  The Musical Matrix Reloaded : Contemporary Perspectives and Alternative Worlds in the Music of Beethoven and Schubert /. :1onlineresource(374p.).
Barrett M.  2019.  Forward : my life with and without Boney M. /. :1volume:.
Barrett MS.  2011.  A cultural psychology of music education . :xv,297p.:.
G. Barrett D.  2023.  Experimenting the human : art, music, and the contemporary posthuman /. :220pages:.
Barone S.  2019.  Metal, rap, and electro in post-revolutionary Tunisia : a fragile underground /. :1volume;.
Barney K.  2023.  Musical collaboration between indigenous and non-indigenous people in Australia : exchanges in the third space /. :1onlineresource(xiii,160pages)..
Barnett N.  2013.  Winterley 'brassed' & present : 75 years of music making /. :92pages:.
Barnett A.  2021.  Fallen from the Moon : Robert Edward Juice Wilson : his life on Earth, a dossier /. :88pages:.
