Recent Publications in Music
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The divine ones . no. 10:29pages:.
2013. The divine ones . no. 10:27p.;.
2011. .
2015. Music in the world : selected essays /. :xii,243pages:.
2017. Eugene Onegin . :229p.,16p.ofplates:.
2011. Briefwechsel 1876-1890 : in drei Bänden /. :volumes;.
2021. A musician divided : André Tchaikowsky in his own words /. no. 10:434pages:.
2013. .
2011. Jazz places : how performance spaces shape jazz history /. :1onlineresource(viii,208pages).
2021. Lions of the north : sounds of the new Nordic radical nationalism . :xv,210pages:.
2017. El trío con piano en España en los siglos XIX y XX. Historia y Ciencias de la Música.
2020. Musica reservata y otros escritos musicales. Periplos; nº 38. :478.
2019. My story so far / Tinie Tempah.. :191p.:.
2011. .
2020. María Zambrano-Vicente Espinel, razón poético-musical.. Málaga Pensamiento. :191p..
2017. .
2020. Reirin gakuyū : Shiba Sukeyasu to gagaku no gendai /. :263,ixpages:.
2017. Jazz theory : from basic to advanced study /. :2volumes;.
2019. .
2019. .
2019. .
2016. .
2023. Mahler's forgotten conductor : Heinz Unger and his search for Jewish meaning, 1895-1965 /. :pagescm.
2020. Statistical musicology : embracing Hindustani ragas /. :viii,185pages:.
2022. The Oxford handbook of music and the brain . :xi,835pages:.