Recent Publications in Music

493 resultats trouvés
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Kopecky J..  2023.  1928 - Wien und das zeitgenössische österreichische Konzertlied . 18:347pages:.
Kopecky J, Permoser M.  2023.  1928 - Wien und das zeitgenössische österreichische Konzertlied . 18:347pages:.
Mawer D, Kelly BL, Moore R, Sadler G.  2023.  Accenting the classics : editing European music in France, 1915-1925 /. :xv,364pages:.
Keleta-Mae N.  2023.  Beyonce and beyond : 2013-2016 /. :1onlineresource(44pages).
Kim Y..  2023.  Body and Force in Music : Metaphoric Constructions in Music Psychology.. :1onlineresource(xiv,158pages)..
Kim S-Y.  2023.  The Cambridge companion to K-pop . :xv,295pages:.
Kladder JR.  2023.  Commercial and popular music in higher education : expanding notions of musicianship and pedagogy in contemporary education /. :1onlineresource(xiv,122pages):.
Kong S-hang.  2023.  Cultural capital and parental involvement : a comparison of students' music participation between Beijing and Hong Kong /. :1onlineresource(xv,163pages):.
Klotz KAK.  2023.  Dave Brubeck and the performance of whiteness . :xi,301pages:.
Kanhov E.  2023.  Encounters between music and nature : a productive and transversal approach to contemporary music analysis.
Júlia D, Katalin C, Júlia D, István K, Réka K, Antal M.  2023.  Ferences iskoladrámák. 5.[köt.]. A csíksomlyói Actiones Comicae, Actiones Tragicae kötetek színjátékai (1773-1780) . Régi magyar drámai emlékek. XVIII. század. 6/5:963.
Knyt EE.  2023.  Ferruccio Busoni as architect of sound . :xiv,313pages:.
Kramer R.  2023.  From the ruins of Enlightenment : Beethoven and Schubert in their solitude /. :xviii,247pages:.
Kessler K.  2023.  Gender, sex and sexuality in musical theatre : he/she/they could have danced all night /. :xxvii,323pages:.
Kealing B.  2023.  Good day Sunshine State : how The Beatles rocked Florida /. :244pages:.
Keefe SP.  2023.  Haydn and Mozart in the long nineteenth century : parallel and intersecting patterns of reception /. :xi,254pages;.
