Recent Publications in Music

6795 resultats trouvés
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Filtres: Bang-bang-crash-memoir est   [Clear All Filters]
Cattermole J.  2024.  Echoes from Hawaiki : the origins and development of Māori and Moriori musical instruments . :246.
Lindetorp H.  2024.  Interactive Sound and Music Technology for Everyone : Designing Inclusive Standards for Web Audio Applications.
Mats K.  2024.  Människorna, musiken och de mekaniska musikinstrumenten i Norge cirka 1480-1890.
Lindal JLarson.  2024.  The movement of a musical work : Ernst Krenek’s Opus 20 in the interwar years.
Johnels L.  2024.  Musical interaction with students with severe/profound intellectual and multiple disabilities.
Misgeld O.  2024.  Music-Dance Mediations [Elektronisk resurs] Performative Explorations into an Asymmetrical Type of the Swedish Polska.
Bäckman M.  2024.  My Bag of Licks [Elektronisk resurs] Exploring a Harmonica Player's Voice.
Timoshenko-Nilsson M, Huovinen E, Nyström M, Atkins R.  2024.  Reading Vocal Music: Eye Movements and Strategies [Elektronisk resurs].
Gratzer W, Grosch N, Präger U, Scheiblhofer S.  2024.  The Routledge handbook of music and migration : theories and methodologies /. :1onlineresource(xvi,558pages):.
Göransson P.  2024.  Sveriges körgeografier : en studie av Svenska kyrkans och Sveriges körförbunds körverksamheter.
Zehren M.  2024.  Towards automatic DJ mixing : cue point detection and drum transcription.
Frödin K.  2024.  Watch the sound – listen to the gesture [Elektronisk resurs] Exploring embodied musical interpretation in staged performance.
Bohman K.  2024.  What is music education? : discursive construction and legitimisation of theory and practice in a Swedish upper secondary school
