Hearty congratulations to the Polish IAML Branch on its 50th anniversary!

[Posted on behalf of Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie, President, IAML]

Dear colleagues,

It is my great pleasure to send to the Sekcja Bibliotek Muzycznych, Stowarzyszenia Bibliotekarzy Polskich (Music Libraries Section, Polish Librarians Association) heartiest congratulations on the occasion of its 50th anniversary!

The official ceremony will take place tomorrow, 23 September 2014, at Biblioteka Uniwersytecka w Warszawie, which is the oldest Polish member of IAML, and I am very honored to be able to take part in that celebration. On the next day, the Conference Muzyczna Informacja Jutra will be held at the Narodowy Instytut Fryderyka Chopina.

The Music Libraries Section was founded in 1964 as an initiative of librarians from the Music Collections of the National Library of Poland. Over the past 50 years the Section has conducted a wide range of national and international activities, including work with RISM, RILM and RIPM. In 1972 the Section officially became the Polish National Branch of IAML.

The programme for the celebration and concert is available here: http://www.iaml.pl/jubileusz/program.html

I'm sure all IAML colleagues join me in wishing all in the national branch a happy anniversary, and many more to come!

Yours sincerely,
Barbara Dobbs Mackenzie
​President, IAML


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