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Gabbard K.  2016.  Better git it in your soul : an interpretive biography of Charles Mingus /. :323pages:.
Galindo JMaurício, Rolland R.  2019.  Beethoven: as muitas faces de um gênio. :208páginas.
García E, György R.  2020.  Barátkozz Mozarttal : [a klasszikus zene hangszerei] : [zenélő könyv] . :29.
García-Herrera V.  2020.  Breve introducción a la propiedad intelectual para estudios de artes visuales y danza. Derecho; nº 7.
Gardiner JEliot, Barth R.  2016.  Bach Musik für die Himmelsburg. :734Seiten.
Garrett P..  2016.  Big blue sky : growing up and making waves in the best place on earth.. :448pages,48pagesofplates:illustrations(chieflycolour),portraits(somecolour);25cm.
Garza LDíaz-San.  2021.  Between norteño and tejano conjunto : music, tradition and culture at the U.S.-Mexico border /. :ix,161pages:.
Geck M.  2020.  Beethoven hören : wenn Geistesblitze geheiligte Formen zertrümmern /. :181pages:.
Gerup M, Hojby J, Gerup A.  2020.  Begejstret musikundervisning : bogen om DIM. :69sider:.
Gill A., Gill A..  2011.  Bob Dylan : stories behind the songs, 1962-1969 /. :207p.:.
Gilmore T.  2018.  Big Tom : the king of Irish country. :234pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates.
Glauert A.  2020.  Beethoven and the lyric impulse : essays on Beethoven song /. :1volume:.
Goldschmitt K.E.  2020.  Bossa mundo : Brazilian music in transnational media industries /. :xiii,245pages:.
Graham S.  2023.  Becoming noise music : style, aesthetics and history /. :1onlineresource(xii,244pages):.
Green A, Duffy MJ.  2013.  Basic music reference : a guide for non-specialist librarians, library assistants, and student employees . 8:xiii,123pages:.
Greene T.  2014.  The Boehm flute in Irish traditional music. :ix,122pages.
Gregory G.  2019.  Boy bands and the performance of pop masculinity. :1onlineresource.
Gregory G.  2019.  Boy bands and the performance of pop masculinity . :1volume:.
Greig D.  2021.  Baroque music in post-war cinema : performance practice and musical style /. :1onlineresource..
Guralnick P, Escott C, Lewis JLee.  2022.  The birth of rock 'n' roll : the illustrated story of Sun records and the 70 recordings that changed the world /. :255pages:.
Guralnick P, Escott C, Lewis JLee.  2022.  The birth of rock 'n' roll : the illustrated story of Sun records and the 70 recordings that changed the world /. :255pages:.
