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Pehrsson C.  2020.  Musikalisk uppförandepraxis: tvång eller frihet? : några blickar in genom den historiska musikens fönster
Pérez-Fernández J-J.  2017.  Michael William Balfe y The Bohemian Girl.. Biblioteca de Theatralia. 30:2014p..
Perkins R.  2024.  Music and parental mental wellbeing . :xx,324pages:.
Perlovsky LI.  2017.  Music, passion, and cognitive function . :xiii,186pages:.
Perman T, Fiol SPatrick.  2024.  Music making community . :295pages:.
Perone JE.  2022.  Music and technology : a historical encyclopedia /. :xxxi,318pages:.
Pesce D.  2023.  The Malmariée in the thirteenth-century motet . No. 40:xv,161pages:.
Péteri L.  2015.  Mahler, a scherzo és a "kísérteties". . Musica scientia. :251p..
Peters E.  2023.  Music in crime, resistance, and identity . :1onlineresource(vi,128pages)..
Petty JChristian.  2022.  The musical portrayal of the dissolution of the self in the opera Madama Butterfly : a study of Puccini's tonal language /. :150pages:.
Pfohl J.  2022.  Motetten am Hof Maximilians II. (1527-1576) Komponieren im Zeitalter der Konfessionalisierung. 13:620Seiten.
Phelan J.P.  2012.  The music of verse : metrical experiment in nineteenth-century poetry /. :ix,225p.;.
Picard A.  2020.  Musical architects : creating tomorrow's Royal Academy of Music /. :1volume:.
Picard A.  2021.  Musical architects : creating tomorrow's Royal Academy of Music /. :205pages:.
Popp S.  2015.  Max Reger : Werk statt Leben : Biographie /. :542pages:.
Post JC, Yoon S, D'Evelyn C.  2022.  Mongolian sound worlds . :x,293pages:.
poulakis N.  2015.  Mousikologia kai kinēmatographos. Kritikes prosengiseis stē mousikē tōn sygchronōn ellēnikōn tainiōn. :149p..
Price M.  2022.  Maybe we'll make it : a memoir /. :271pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Purcell A.  2020.  Music and Friendship : The People of Melbourne Comhaltas /. :96pages:.
