Recent Publications in Music
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Woody Guthrie : songs and art * words and wisdom /. :340pages:.
2021. .
2019. Woodstock '69 : 50th anniversary /. :1onlineresource..
2019. Woodstock : 3 days of peace & music /. :286pages:.
2019. A women's history of the Beatles . :1onlineresource(273pages).
2021. Women, music, culture : an introduction /. :1onlineresource.
2021. .
2012. Women in the studio : creativity, control and gender in popular music production /. :1onlineresource..
2020. Women in jazz : musicality, femininity, marginalization /. :1onlineresource..
2022. Women in convent spaces and the music networks of early modern Barcelona . :xix,296pages:.
2023. Women in audio . :1volume:.
2019. Women Composers' Creative Conditions Before and During the Turkish Republic A Case Study on Three Women Composers: Leyla Hanımefendi, Nazife Aral-Güran, and Yüksel Koptagel.. :1onlineresource(518p.).
2021. Women and musical salons in the Enlightenment . :xxii,365pages:.
2022. Women and music in sixteenth-century Ferrara . 28:1volume:.
2020. Wolfgang Amadè Mozart : the reign of love /. :1volume;.
2020. .
2017. Wolfgang Amadé Mozart levelei . :502p..
2016. The Wolfe Tones phenomenon. :190pages.
2017. .
2020. Wobbly sounds : a collection of British flexi discs /. no. 6:158pages:.
2019. Witnesses and scholars : studies in musical biography /. :1onlineresource..
2019. Without frontiers : the life and music of Peter Gabriel /. :416pages,24unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2013. Without frontiers : the life and music of Peter Gabriel /. :447pages,24unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2018. With mornefull musique : funeral elegies in early modern England /. 21:1onlineresource(xi,276pages):.
2018. Wisdom for Worship Bands : Advice from Unexpected Places /. W239:28pages;.