
Gelukkige verjaardag, Herman van Veen (*14.03.1945)!

Musical clown and poet Herman van Veen celebrates 70th birthday

Herman van Veen is one of the most talented stage performers in the Dutch language. March 14 he celebrates his 70th birthday. At the same time it’s his 50-year anniversary in the Dutch (and German and American) theaters. Van Veen made over 170 records and cds, published 70 books, dozens of screenplays, became very succesful with the animated cartoons of little duck Alfred J. Kwak and, is since the age of 17, commited to children's rights. He established foundations, is an ambassador of UNICEF and has his own cultural enterprise. But first and foremost, he is a musician.

Bob Marley at 70

"Live for yourself and you will live in vain. Live for others, and you will live again."-Bob Marley

Singer and songwriter Bob Marley, born in Jamaica on 6 February 1945, would be celebrating his 70th birthday this year.

25.01.1975 Keith Jarrett gibt ein Konzert in der Kölner Oper

Es sah alles nach einem Desaster aus: Ein übernächtigter, schlechtgelaunter Pianist trifft bei der Probe im Konzertsaal (Kölner Oper) auf ein schrottreifes Instrument - doch dank des Klavierstimmers und des Einsatzes der erst 18jährigen Veranstalterin Vera Brandes, die den Star-Musiker nach Köln geholt hatte, findet das Konzert letztlich statt.


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