Recent Publications in Music
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Claude Debussy : portraits et études /. Band 49:532pages:.
2021. Claudio Monteverdi: Lamento della Ninfa.. Cuadernos de El Acantilado. 79:144p..
2017. Clavichord tuning and maintenance . :271pages;.
2020. Clavier bien tempéré et justesse numérique : un aperçu de l'évolution de l'accord des instruments à clavier des origines à nos jours /. :1vol.(88p.):.
2020. Clementi and the woman at the piano : virtuosity and the marketing of music in eighteenth-century London /. 2022:06:xx,313pages:.
2022. Clever stuff you can do with your Apple gadgets . :104pages:.
2012. Clifford K. Madsen's contributions to music education and music therapy : love of learning /. :1onlineresource:.
2020. Closer than ever : the unique six-decade songwriting partnership of Richard Maltby, Jr. and David Shire /. :xvi,311pages:.
2024. Clothes, clothes, clothes, music, music, music, boys, boys, boys. :ix,421pages:illustrations;24cm.
2014. .
2020. Clybiau Ffermwyr Ifainc Ceredigion yn cyflwyno : Cystadleuaeth Hanner awr adloniant 2014 /. :20unnumberedpages:.
2014. Clybiau Ffermwyr Ifainc Ceredigion yn cyflwyno : Pantomeim 2012 yn Theatr Felinfach /. :18unnumberedpages:.
2012. Coastal environments in popular song : lost horizons /. :1onlineresource(viii,175pages)..
2023. Coded lyrics : the poetics of Argentine rock under censorship and beyond /. new series 31:179pages;.
2024. .
2011. Colecciones de instrumentos musicales. Recomendaciones para su gestión. Gestión del Patrimonio Musical. 2:128p..
2019. .
2019. Collaboration and assistance in music therapy practice : roles, relationships, challenges . :336pages:.
2017. Collaborative insights : interdisciplinary perspectives on musical care throughout the life course /. :1onlineresource.
2022. .
2021. Collectio operum musicalium quae in Bibliotheca Kinsky adservantur. vol. VIII:381pages:.
2013. .
2019. College music curricula for a new century. :xi,289pages:.
2017. Coltrane . :122p.:.
2012. Coltrane : the story of a sound /. :xxi,250pages.