Recent Publications in Music

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Senfl L, Edwards SLee, Gasch S, Tröster S, Senfl L, Senfl L, Senfl L, Senfl L, Senfl L, Senfl L et al..  2022.  Motets for four voices (N-V) . 2:1onlineresource(1score(x,226pages)).
Senō R..  2017.  Tomita isao : dentō to kakushin o yūgō saseta kyosei /. :109pages;.
Seo MK.  2019.  Hanyang kut : Korean shaman ritual music from Seoul /. 2:1volume;.
Serna D.  2014.  Guitar theory for dummies . :x,294pages:.
Sernestrand M.  2016.  Depeche Mode i Sverige : 1982-2016.
Seroussi E.  2019.  Ruinas sonoras de la modernidad: la canción popular sefardí en la era post-tradicional. De acá y de allá, fuentes etnográficas; nº 20. :160.
Seroussi E.  2023.  Sonic ruins of modernity : Judeo-Spanish folksongs today /. :1onlineresource(xvii,222pages):.
Serrano-Betored P.  2020.  María de Pablos: un sueño truncado.. :96p..
Sesigür O.  2022.  Playlisting : collecting music, remediated /. :1onlineresource:.
Setchell J, Setchell M.  2017.  Organs & organists : their inside stories : all you (n)ever wanted to know : a composting of organic material. :413pages;colourillustrations.
Severn JR.  2020.  Shakespeare as jukebox musical . :1volume;.
Severn JR.  2019.  Shakespeare as jukebox musical . :viii,221pages;.
Sexton P.  2020.  Prince treasury : a portrait of the artist /. :1volume:.
Sexton P, Jagger M, Richards K, Oldham ALoog.  2022.  Charlie's good tonight : the life, the times, and the Rolling Stones : the authorized biography of Charlie Watts /. :xxiii,344pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Shadle DW.  2016.  Orchestrating the nation : the nineteenth-century American Symphonic Enterprise /. :ix,330pages:.
Shapey R.  2020.  How to teach composition in the secondary classroom : 50 inspiring ideas /. :1volume;.
Shapiro P.  2020.  Turn the beat around : the secret history of disco /. :xviii,350pages;.
Sharkey E.  2022.  Why Britain rocked : how rock became roll and took over the world /. :349pages;.
Sharp AT, Floyd JMichael.  2019.  Choral music : a research and information guide /. :1onlineresource..
Sharp J..  2012.  Mind the bollocks : a riotous rant through the ridiculousness of rock 'n' roll /. :187p.;.
Sharpe G.  2019.  Vinyl countdown . :1volume;.
Shaw JT.  2020.  Culturally responsive choral music education : what teachers can learn from nine students' experiences in three choirs /. :126pages:.
Shaw L.  2019.  The social history of the Brazilian samba . :1volume;.
Shaw JT.  2019.  Culturally responsive choral music education : what teachers can learn from nine students' experiences in three choirs /. :1volume:.
Shaw JM.  2022.  Following the drums : African American fife and drum music in Tennessee /. :1onlineresource(unpaged)..
