Jürgen Diet in Präsidium of the German Music Council


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It was with great pleasure that we recently learned of Jürgen Diet’s election as the member of the Präsidium of the German Music Council (Deutscher Musikrat). As the President of the German National Branch of IAML (AIBM) Jürgen will represent music libraries in this important body. 

We are delighted to hear about IAML members being involved in different organizations; this is a great way to represent our Association, make it visible and to advocate for music libraries, archives and documentation centres. 

I am sure that IAML members join me in sending heartiest congratulations to Jürgen, wishing him all the best and a lot of satisfaction of his new position.  

Congratulations, Jürgen!

Stanisław Hrabia
President, International Association of Music Libraries, Archives, and Documentation Centres (IAML)



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