Recent Publications in Music

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Hepworth D.  2020.  A fabulous creation : how the LP saved our lives /. :1volume:.
Houghton M.  2020.  Fried & justified : hits, myths, break-ups and breakdowns in the record business 1978-98 /. :1volume:.
Hertzman MA.  2020.  Gilberto Gil's Refazenda . :1onlineresource..
Koglin D.  2020.  Greek rebetiko from a psychocultural perspective : same songs changing minds /. :1volume:.
Whitney K.  2020.  Hit factories : a journey through the industrial cities of British pop /. :1volume:.
Tweedy J.  2020.  How to write one song . :1onlineresource..
Mercier J, Labbé S.  2020.  Jaune : Jean-Pierre Ferland : dans les coulisses d'un grand succès québécois /. :47pages:.
Charnock R.  2020.  Joni Mitchell : new critical readings /. :1volume:.
Mikić V.  2020.  Lica srpske muzike : Popularna muzika . :201.
Karjalainen T-M, Kärki K.  2020.  Made in Finland : studies in popular music /. :1volume:.
Seibt O, Ringsmut M, Wickström D-E.  2020.  Made in Germany : studies in popular music /. :1volume:.
Mangaoang A, O'Flynn J, Briain LÓ.  2020.  Made in Ireland : studies in popular music /. :1volume:.
Tsai E, Ho T-H, Jian M.  2020.  Made in Taiwan : studies in popular music /. :xix,267pages:.
Ádám I.  2020.  A magyar populáris zene története(i), nyomtatott anyag: források, módszerek, perspektívák . :463.
MacLeod D.  2020.  Making the scene in the Garden State : popular music in New Jersey from Edison to Springsteen and beyond /. :vii,179pages:.
Grasse J.  2020.  Milton Nascimento and Lô Borges's the Corner Club . :1onlineresource..
Schreiber B.  2020.  Music is power : popular songs, social justice and the will to change /. :viii,236pages:.
Schreiber B.  2020.  Music is power : popular songs, social justice and the will to change /. :viii,236pages:.
Ordoulidēs N.  2020.  Musical nationalism, despotism and scholarly interventions in Greek popular music . :1onlineresource(224pages).
Tsioulakis I.  2020.  Musicians in crisis : working and playing in the Greek popular music industry /. :1volume:.
Survilla MPaula.  2020.  Of mermaids and rock singers : placing the self and constructing the nation through Belarusan contemporary music /. :1onlineresource..
Harding P, Collins M.  2020.  Pop music production : manufactured pop and boybands of the 1990s /. :xvii,192pages;.
Duffett M, Peter B..  2020.  Popular music and automobiles. :1onlineresource(x,204pages).
Mazierska E, Győri Z.  2020.  Popular music and the moving image in Eastern Europe . :1volume:.
Borthwick S, Moy R.  2020.  Popular music genres : an introduction /. :1onlineresource..
