Recent Publications in Music

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A. Papakhian R, Lisius PH, Griscom R..  2012.  Directions in music cataloging . v. 32:xi,173pages:.
Parra F.  2017.  De puertas para adentro. Disidencia sexual y disconformidad de género en la tradición flamenca.. :178p..
Parton D, Schmidt R.  2017.  Dolly on Dolly : interviews and encounters . :xxi,389pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Parton D.  2020.  Dolly Parton : songteller : my life in lyrics /. :1onlineresource:.
Pecher-Havers K..  2021.  Der Salon des Proletariats Die Narrative der Zitherkultur und ihre Erzählräume.. v.17:1onlineresource(558p.)..
Pennick F.  2020.  D'Angelo's Voodoo . :1onlineresource..
Perski K.  2020.  Den blindes käpp : på spaning efter levandegörandets metodik ; På spaning efter Gränsland : en oper....
Petersen B..  2020.  Die Musik des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. . :142pages.
Pettan S, Titon JTodd.  2019.  De-colonization, heritage, & advocacy : an Oxford handbook of applied ethnomusicology, volume 2 /. :x,346pages:.
Péan S, Archambault G.  2019.  De préférence la nuit . :263pages;.
Popoff M.  2021.  Driven : Rush in the '90s and "in the end" /. :414pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Popoff M.  2022.  Driven : Rush in the '90s and "in the end" /. :pagescm.
Prehn A.  2020.  Det syngende menneske : Nye veje til forbundethed. :1onlineresource.
Pugni C, Saint-Georges H, Petipa M, Gautier T, Letellier RIgnatius.  2012.  Dochʹ Faraona = La fille du Pharaon = Pharaoh's daughter : ballet in 3 acts and 9 scenes with prologue and epilogue /. :xvii,161pages:.
