Recent Publications in Music
Medieval music . 8:1volume;.
2019. Modeste Moussorgski . 90:176pages:.
2021. Most dope : the extraordinary life of Mac Miller /. :xi,292pages;.
2022. Músicas de ida y vuelta: la música folklórica en Hispanoamérica y su influencia en la música culta.. :133p.
2015. Music composition in the 21st century : a practical guide for the new common practice /. :xiii,143pages;.
2020. Music composition in the 21st century : a practical guide for the new common practice /. :1onlineresource.
2020. My memories of John Hartford . :xii,146pages:.
2024. .
2019. Mapa musical de la Biblia: revisión literal y estadística de los pasajes musicales de la obra.. :102p..
2017. Music in North-East England, 1500-1800 . :1onlineresource:.
2020. Music in North-East England, 1500-1800 . :1volume:.
2020. Monteverdi's voices : a poetics of the Madrigal /. :xiii,250pages:.
2024. Música y cuerpo : estudios musicológicos /. :xxv,319pages:illustrations;.
2015. Mr. Bojangles, dance : Jerry Jeff Walker, Sammy Davis, Jr., and the song that made Nixon cry /. :x,246pages:.
2024. .
2011. .
2019. The marriage between literature and music . :lxxxiii,346pages:.
2022. .
2019. The music diva spectacle : camp, female performers, and queer audiences in the arena tour show /. :1onlineresource.
2021. .
2019. .
2021. Mercedes Sosa - more than a song : a tribute to "La Negra", the voice of Latin America (1935-2009). :xi,143sider:.
2019. Manuel de Falla and visions of Spanish music . :1volume.