Recent Publications in Music
2020. .
2020. .
2013. .
2021. .
Musician in the museum : display and power in neoliberal popular culture /. :1onlineresource(x,256pages,8unnumberedpagesofplates):.
2021. A musician divided : André Tchaikowsky in his own words /. no. 10:434pages:.
2013. .
2024. .
2011. .
2018. Músicas de ida y vuelta: la música folklórica en Hispanoamérica y su influencia en la música culta.. :133p.
2015. .
2020. .
2021. Musicality. . :[18]p.:.
2012. The musical world of Marie-Antionette : opera and ballet in 18th century Paris and Versailles /. :vii,258pages:.
2021. .
2020. Musical waves : west coast perspectives of pitch, narrative, and form /. :1onlineresource(206pages)..
2020. A musical wanderer : the later years of Granville Bantock /. :vii,220pages:.
2018. .
2012. Musical topics and musical performance . :1onlineresource(xiv,253pages):.
2023. Musical topics and musical performance . :1onlineresource(xiv,253pages):.
2023. Musical theatre script and song analysis through the ages . :x,232pages:.
2022. .
2023. .
2023. Musical theatre : a workbook /. :x,124pages:.