Recent Publications in Music
Born for this : my story in music /. :1volume;.
2019. .
2023. Vivente e moriente : 1956 emlékezete a komolyzenében . MMA Ösztöndíjas Tanulmányok. 6:128p..
2016. Amy, my daughter. :xvi,304pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
2012. .
2020. Music, dance, and drama in early modern English schools . :1onlineresource:.
2020. The revolutionary rhetoric of Hamilton . :ix,226pages;.
2022. Bodies : life and death in music /. :xi,300pages;.
2022. The jazz republic : music, race, and American culture in Weimar Germany /. :1onlineresource(xi,311pages)..
2017. Music lessons . :pagescm.
2020. Nick Drake : dreaming England /. :172pages:.
2013. Monteverdi . :xxxiv,535p.:.
2011. Adventures in Kate Bush and theory . :1onlineresource.
2020. Herzensschwestern der Musik : Pauline Viardot und Clara Schumann : Briefe einer lebenslangen Freundschaft /. :173pages:.
2020. Focus: music and religion of Morocco . :xiv,162pages:.
2019. Music and religion of Morocco . :1volume:.
2019. Strawinskys Bühnenwerke : ein Handbuch /. :352pages:.
2022. Thought and play in musical rhythm : Asian, African, and Euro-American perspectives /. :xvii,431pages:.
2019. .
2020. Women in the studio : creativity, control and gender in popular music production /. :1onlineresource..
2020. The shadow of the empress : fairy-tale opera and the end of the Habsburg monarchy /. :1onlineresource(xiv,435pages):.
2023. .
2017. Occasional pieces : writings and interviews, 1952-2013 /. :xx,347pages:.
2017. The Shangri-Las' golden hits of the Shangri-Las . :1onlineresource..
2019. .