Recent Publications in Music

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Mooney KEdward.  2021.  Texas jazz singer : Louise Tobin in the golden age of swing and beyond /. number twenty-five:1onlineresource..
Carrillo RRojo.  2021.  Text, liturgy, and music in the Hispanic rite : the vespertinus genre /. :1onlineresource(xvii,399pages):.
Begbie J, Chua DKL, Rathey M.  2021.  Theology, music, and modernity : struggles for freedom /. :1onlineresource(400pages):.
Iott S.  2021.  Thinking and playing music : intentional strategies for optimal practice and performance /. :xxiv,261pages:.
Bernstein Z.  2021.  Thinking in and about music : analytical reflections on Milton Babbitt's music and thought /. :1onlineresource(xviii,299pages):.
Quenoy PDu.  2021.  Through the years with prince charming : the collected music criticism of Paul Du Quenoy, 2010-2020 /. :1onlineresource..
Lundberg M.  2021.  Tidegärden i kyrkotraditionerna ....
[Anonymous].  2021.  Tim - Biografien om Avicii . :1onlineresource.
van Elferen I.  2021.  Timbre : paradox, materialism, vibrational aesthetics /. :238pages:.
Meïmoun F..  2021.  Time stretch= Entretien avec Bruno Mantovani/. :129pages;.
József T.  2021.  Tóalmási népdalok . :231.
Carlberg A.  2021.  Toner och terror : musik och politik i Hitlers Europa.. :591sidor.
Krahn C.  2021.  Topographie der Imaginationen : Johann Friedrich Rochlitz' musikalisches Italien um 1800 /. Band 54:414pages:.
Frühauf T.  2021.  Transcending dystopia : music, mobility, and the Jewish community in Germany, 1945-1989 /. :xxiii,613pages:.
Diamond B, Castelo-Branco SEl-Shawan.  2021.  Transforming ethnomusicology. . :1onlineresource(272pages):.
Diamond B, Castelo-Branco SEl-Shawan.  2021.  Transforming ethnomusicology : methodologies, institutional structures & policies /. :1onlineresource(viii,272pages):.
Skoogh F.  2021.  Transforming performance : an inquiry into the emotional processes of a classical pianist.
Anna D.  2021.  Tudós nő a Horthy-korszakban : Prahács Margit (1893-1974) . Musicologia Hungarica. 1:46.
Sly GCameron, Callahan M.  2021.  Twentieth- and twenty-first-century song cycles : analytical pathways toward performance /. :1onlineresource(xii,233pages):.
Panay PA, R. Hendrix M.  2021.  Two beats ahead : what musical minds teach us about innovation /. :v,246pages;.
