Recent Publications in Music
Mozart-Perspektiven : Plädoyer für eine empirische Repertoireforschung / Joachim Brügge.. Band 25:268pages:.
2021. Mozarts dagbog . :73sider:.
2021. Mozart's Don Giovanni . :80p.;.
2011. Mozarts »Idomeneo« . Band 28:298pages;.
2021. .
2018. Mozart's Portrait on a French Box of Sweets : Remember me /. :1onlineresource(122pages).
2021. Mozipedia : the encyclopedia of Morrissey and The Smiths /. :532p.,[32]p.ofplates:.
2012. Mr Gig . :270pages:.
2013. .
2011. Mr. P.C. : the life and music of Paul Chambers /. :x,430p.:.
2012. .
2015. Mujeres músicas. Dificultades, avances y metas a alcanzar en el siglo XXI. Sendes; nº 24. :168.
2019. Mujeres, rock y heavy metal. ¿Quién dijo sexo débil? Música. 73:192p..
2017. .
2017. Multilevel grounding : a theory of musical meaning /. :1onlineresource(vii,158pages):.
2022. Multilevel grounding : a theory of musical meaning /. :vii,158pages:.
2022. A multimodal approach to the study of opera in Aribert Reimann's Medea . :xiii,224pages;.
2022. .
2015. .
2020. .
2019. .
2018. Muriel Barclay : performing art.. :12pages:.
2019. .
2018. Music . 32:1volume;.
2019. Music : a journey of discovery /. :118pages;.