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Morrell R.  2020.  D'Oyly Carte : inside out /. :x,153pages;.
Seeley P.  2022.  D'Oyly Carte : the decline and fall of an opera company /. :1onlineresource(xii,209pages,12unnumberedpagesofplates):.
Ideguchi A.  2018.  Dōyō no hyakunen : naze "kokoro no furusato" ni natta no ka /. [new ser.], 0157:309pages:.
Dubois P.  2021.  Dr. Charles Burney and the organ . :1onlineresource.
Whedon J, Watkins J.  2011.  Dr. Horrible's sing-along blog : the book /. :160p.:.
Dékány E.  2017.  A dráma, a muzsika, a beszéd, és az igazi "bel canto" . :192.
[Anonymous].  2018.  Drama bez heroja i nacije. Trendovi talijanske opere u doba Zajčeva Nikole Šubića Zrinjskog. Odjeci bitke kod Sigeta i mita o Nikoli Šubiću Zrinskom u umjetnosti = The Impact of the Battle of Szigetvár and the Myth of Nikola Šubić Zrinjski on the Arts (Music, Visual Arts, Literature).
Davies J, Sobaskie JWilliam.  2019.  Drama in the music of Franz Schubert . :1onlineresource(xxix,348pages):.
Beasley KEckel, Beasley JP.  2021.  Dramatism and musical theater : experiments in rhetorical performance /. :xi,226pages:.
Martinů B, Synek J, Všetičková G.  2019.  Drazí = : Dear all /. :volumes<1-2>:.
Smith AO.  2019.  Dreaming with open eyes : opera, aesthetics, and perception in Arcadian Rome /. :xiii,311pages:.
Herren G.  2021.  Dreams and dialogues in Dylan's Time out of mind . :1onlineresource.
Gregor N, Irvine T.  2019.  Dreams of Germany : musical imaginaries from the concert hall to the dance floor /. volume 18:xii,307pages:.
Béla B, László S, Várjon Dénes.  2019.  Drei ungarische Volkslieder : [BB 80b]. :IV,5,[2].
Popoff M.  2021.  Driven : Rush in the '90s and "in the end" /. :414pages,16unnumberedpagesofplates:.
Popoff M.  2022.  Driven : Rush in the '90s and "in the end" /. :pagescm.
van Drimmelen P.  2018.  Driving for music : the orchestral memoirs of a bus-driving violist. :IX,140pages:illustrations.
McCleod K.  2020.  Driving identities : at the intersection of popular music and automotive culture /. :1volume:.
Zilli A, Fagerström E.  2019.  Drottning Kristinas sångerskor : en omvälvande kraft i Roms musikliv 1655-1689.
Burchell-Haslett M.  2017.  Druids, Storytelling, and the National Eisteddfod : Music's Relationship to Three Forms of Bardic Identity /. :56pages:.
Faulkner S.  2021.  Drum circles for specific population groups an introduction to drum circles for therapeutic and educational outcomes /. :1onlineresource.
Lespinasse PG.  2022.  The drum is a wild woman : jazz and gender in African diaspora literature /. :1onlineresource.
Balmer P..  2012.  Drum-kit manual : how to buy, maintain and improve your drum-kit /. :201p.:.
Cataliotti RH, Riley H.  2022.  Drumsville! : the evolution of the New Orleans beat /. :x,227pages:.
Midžić S, Bezić N.  2017.  Družina mladih : čudesna teatarska igra. :319.
