Recent Publications in Music
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Alawon gwerin Iolo Morganwg. :272p.:.
2012. Alban Berg Biographie. :342Seiten.
2018. Albanian Identity in History and Traditional Performance . :1onlineresource(283p.).
2021. Aldo Parisot, the cellist : the importance of the circle. Lives in music ; no. 15. :186pages.
2018. .
2015. Alejo Carpentier y la música.. :196p..
2018. .
2018. .
2018. Alex Van Halen . :112pages;.
2020. The Alexander Scriabin companion : history, performance, and lore /. :xviii,422pages:.
2017. Alexander Serov and the birth of the Russian modern . :xi,380pages:.
2016. Alexander Serov and the birth of the Russian modern . :1onlineresource:.
2022. The Alexander technique for musicians . :1onlineresource(224pages)..
2013. Alfred Grünfeld (1852-1924) Der ""Pianist Wiens"".. :1onlineresource(430p.).
2022. Alhambra, Glasgow . :144p.:.
2011. A-life for music : music and computer models of living systems . v. 24:xxviii,301pages:.
2011. All by myself : essays on the single-artist rock album /. :1onlineresource(xix,205pages).
2016. .
2012. All is given : a memoir in songs /. :238pages;20cm..
2016. All Or Nothing The Story of Steve Marriott.. :1onlineresource(371p.).
2021. All over the map : true heroes of Texas music /. :x,307pages:.
2017. .
2012. All these years . :3volumes:.
2013. All together now . :1onlineresource(1volume).
2020. 'Allegri's Miserere' in the Sistine Chapel . :1volume:.