Recent Publications in Music
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2020. .
Crossover musicians in the twenty first century. :v,64leaves;30cm..
2016. .
2015. .
2020. Before Bach and Telemann : the style and structure of unaccompanied Austro-German works for violin in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries /. :viii86leaves,bound:music,illustrations;30cm..
2016. .
Villancico I (nʹ 35-47) . n. 5:12scores(426p.):.
2023. Supertanker : Kliché,1977-85. :255sider:.
2019. Så længe jeg lever : en biografi om John Mogensen. :330sider:.
2019. The repertory of processional antiphons . 1:1score(lix,774pages);.
2018. Prometeo : tragedia dell'ascolta /. :1book(513pages);.
2021. .
2016. .
2022. New approaches to Bob Dylan. vol.70 :367sider.
2019. Motets for four voices (N-V) . 2:1onlineresource(1score(x,226pages)).
2022. Motets for five voices . 3:1score(xli,385pages):.
2022. .
2019. Mercedes Sosa - more than a song : a tribute to "La Negra", the voice of Latin America (1935-2009). :xi,143sider:.
2019. .
2020. .
2020. L'Origine de mes espèces . :1audiodisc;.
2019. .
2020. .