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Kelly JEllis.  2013.  Elgar's best friend : Alfred Rodewald of Liverpool /. :xiv,156pages,18pagesofunnumberedplates:.
Kelly UAnne Marga.  2018.  The music of our burnished axes : songs and stories of the woods workers of Newfoundland and Labrador /. no. 80:xxi,465pages:.
Kelly SN.  2019.  Teaching music in American society : a social and cultural understanding of teaching music /. :xi,188pages:.
Kelly BL, Moore C.  2018.  Music criticism in France, 1918-1939 : authority, advocacy, legacy /. :1onlineresource(xi,346pages):.
Keleta-Mae N.  2023.  Beyonce and beyond : 2013-2016 /. :1onlineresource(44pages).
Kelemen É.  2015.  Művészetek vándora : a zeneszerző Csáth Géza.
Kehrer LJ.  2022.  Queer voices in hip hop : cultures, communities, and contemporary performance /. :1onlineresource(xi,142pages).
Keegan J.  2012.  The Keegan tunes. a selection of traditional Irish music /. :96pages:.
Keefe SP.  2019.  Mozart in Context . :xvii,333pages:.
Keefe SP.  2023.  Haydn and Mozart in the long nineteenth century : parallel and intersecting patterns of reception /. :xi,254pages;.
Kecskés A.  2017.  Betekintés a magyar népének alázatos szolgája, Bozóky Mihály (1755-1829) kántor életébe és munkásságába : /Kicsind, Esztergom, Dömös, Pilismarót/ . :234.
Kearns P.  2019.  Elton John : every album, every song 1969 to 1979 /. :1volume:.
Kealing B.  2017.  Elvis ignited : the rise of an icon in Florida /. :272pages:.
Kealing B.  2023.  Good day Sunshine State : how The Beatles rocked Florida /. :244pages:.
Kärjä A-V.  2021.  The popular and the sacred in music . :1onlineresource.
Kaye L.  2022.  Lightning striking : ten transformative moments in rock and roll /. :xv,496pages;.
Kayaki T.  2017.  Nihon kinseiki ni okeru gakuritsu kenkyū : "Ritsuryo shinsho" o chūshin to shite /. :xiv,296pages:.
Kay M..  2013.  Sound before symbol : developing literacy through music /. :98pages:.
Kay S.  2022.  Medieval song from Aristotle to opera . :1onlineresource(xix,270pages).
Kawasaki M.  2018.  Tokumaruryu kagura no seiritsu to tenkai : Minzoku ongakugakuteki geinoshi kenkyu =徳丸流神楽の成立と展開 : 民族音楽学的芸能史研究 . :378p.;.
Kaufman B, Scripp L.  2019.  Music learning as youth development . :xiii,205pages:.
Kaufman W.  2019.  Mapping Woody Guthrie . volume 4:xiii,160pages:.
Kaufman W.  2022.  American song and struggle from Columbus to World War II : a cultural history /. :xviii,511pages:.
Kauffman D.  2020.  Music at the Maison Royale de Saint-Louis at Saint-Cyr . :1volume;.
Katz P..  2015.  The partnership : Brecht, Weill, three women, and Germany on the brink /. :470pages,16unnumberedpages:illustrations;.
